
AbstractMissing data analysis requires assumptions about an outcome model or a response probability model to adjust for potential bias due to nonresponse. Doubly robust (DR) estimators are consistent if at least one of the models is correctly specified. Multiply robust (MR) estimators extend DR estimators by allowing for multiple models for both the outcome and/or response probability models and are consistent if at least one of the multiple models is correctly specified. We propose a robust quasi‐randomization‐based model approach to bring more protection against model misspecification than the existing DR and MR estimators, where any multiple semiparametric, nonparametric or machine learning models can be used for the outcome variable. The proposed estimator achieves unbiasedness by using a subsampling Rao–Blackwell method, given cell‐homogenous response, regardless of any working models for the outcome. An unbiased variance estimation formula is proposed, which does not use any replicate jackknife or bootstrap methods. A simulation study shows that our proposed method outperforms the existing multiply robust estimators.

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