
The east–west electric field and the characterized horizontal configuration of the geomagnetic fields around the equatorial region cause electron redistribution in the ionospheric bottomside F- region. This electric field E in turn causes the flow of current in a narrow band around this region called Equatorial Electrojet (EEJ) current. The paper discusses the robust least square modelling approach for modelling some selected ionospheric profile parameters below the maximum height of the F2 layer from the computed EEJ values at Jicamarca station (12°S, 76.9 °W) in the Southern American sector and Ilorin (8.50°N, 4.68°E) in the West African sector. The modelled parameters are the maximum electron density, NmF2, the maximum height, hmF2 and the thickness parameter, B0 of the F2- layer which were then compared with the recent ionospheric international standard model (IRI-2016). The proposed new model for ionospheric parameters based on ground-based magnetic field data at specific locations improved the model fit for hmF2 with RMSE value ∼ 30 km, an improvement to the IRI hmF2 model options. In addition, the derived NmF2 model performs poorly as compared to the IRI URSI and CCIR model options for NmF2. The model was however able to reproduce the temporal changes in the NmF2, for example, the semi-annual variation in the observational NmF2 value. The specific local features that were not fully reproduced in the IRI B0 model options can be seen in the derived model.

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