
In this work we optimize administrative link costs of IP networks in such a way that the maximum utilization of all links is as low as possible for a set of considered failure scenarios (e.g., all single link failures). To that aim, we present the new ”hill hopping” heuristic with three different variants and compare their computation times and the quality of their results. We adapt the objective function of the heuristic to make the link cost settings robust to single link failures, single node failures, and single link or node failures, and compare the results. In particular, we optimize the routing for multilayer networks where unused backup capacity of the link layer can be reused to redirect traffic on the network layer in case of an IP node failure.KeywordsLink FailureNode FailureHill ClimbingBackup PathLink CostThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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