
Optical wireless communication (OWC) systems suffer inter-symbol interference (ISI) in time domain due to light emitting diode (LED)’s limited bandwidth at transmitter. As intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) is used, the transmitted signals are unipolar and real-valued rather than bipolar and complex-valued as in radio frequency (RF). Thus, it is challenging to employ the RF-based timing offset estimation for OWC. Also, there is no carrier frequency offset (CFO) like in RF. It is possible to estimate timing offset in frequency domain for two reasons. First, the effect of ISI in time domain is mitigated in frequency domain with correct timing offset estimation, robust against LED’s limited bandwidth. Second, the correlation between frequency-domain signals are high, as signals are bipolar and complex-valued in frequency domain rather than unipolar and real-valued in time domain. Therefore, we propose an effective frequency-domain timing offset estimation approach for direct current biased optical-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (DCO-OFDM) OWC systems, where a small number of pilots are applied on few DCO-OFDM subcarriers, leading to very low spectral overhead. The property of no CFO is utilized to formulate an error function, by exploring the correlation between received signals and pilots. We propose a squared error function (SEF)-based timing offset estimation approach, conducted by maximizing the ratio of two successive variances of squared errors. Simulation results show that, with a very low training overhead of 0.48%, the proposed SEF-based approach provides a bit error ratio (BER) performance close to ideal case with perfect timing offset estimation, perfect channel state information and zero-forcing (ZF) equalization.

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