
The modulation of magnetism and related electronic properties is highly desirable for advanced nanoscale electronic and spintronic applications, but volatility in electron spin manipulation is a major challenge that requires urgent attention. Here, we use density functional theory (DFT) calculations to show that the electronic and magnetic properties of a ferromagnetic [half-]metallic 1T-VSe2 monolayer can be effectively modulated via ferroelectric BiAlO3(0001) gating. In particular, the carry type in the 1T-VSe2 overlayer can be switched from being n-type to p-type or n+ -type through the reversal of the ferroelectric polarization. The magnetocrystalline anisotropy of the 1T-VSe2 monolayer can also be changed from easy-plane to easy-axis. In addition, the band offset, magnetic moments, exchange interaction, and Curie temperature (Tc) of the 1T-VSe2 overlayer show significant dependence on the electric polarization direction, with the calculated surface magnetoelectric coupling coefficients (αS) reaching 10−10 G cm [2]/V. This demonstration of robust ferroelectric-gating-dependent magnetism and related electronic properties holds great promise for the innovative design and implementation of next-generation nanoscale non-volatile ultra-low power devices.

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