
This paper describes our proposed method targeting at the MSR Image Recognition Challenge MS-Celeb-1M. The challenge is to recognize one million celebrities from their face images captured in the real world. The challenge provides a large scale dataset crawled from the Web, which contains a large number of celebrities with many images for each subject. Given a new testing image, the challenge requires an identify for the image and the corresponding confidence score. To complete the challenge, we propose a two-stage approach consisting of data cleaning and multi-view deep representation learning. The data cleaning can effectively reduce the noise level of training data and thus improves the performance of deep learning based face recognition models. The multi-view representation learning enables the learned face representations to be more specific and discriminative. Thus the difficulties of recognizing faces out of a huge number of subjects are substantially relieved. Our proposed method achieves a coverage of 46.1% at 95% precision on the random set and a coverage of 33.0% at 95% precision on the hard set of this challenge.

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