
Metric learning has attracted significant attention in the past decades, because of its appealing advances in various real-world tasks, e.g., person re-identification and face recognition. Traditional supervised metric learning attempts to seek a discriminative metric, which could minimize the pairwise distance of within-class data samples, while maximizing the pairwise distance of data samples from various classes. However, it is still a challenge to build a robust and discriminative metric, especially for corrupted data in the real-world application. In this paper, we propose a Robust Discriminative Metric Learning algorithm through fast low-rank representation and denoising strategy. To be specific, the metric learning problem is guided by a discriminative regularization by incorporating the pair-wise or class-wise information. Moreover, the low-rank basis learning is jointly optimized with the metric to better uncover the global data structure and remove noise. Furthermore, the fast low-rank representation is implemented to mitigate the computational burden and ensure the scalability on large-scale datasets. Finally, we evaluate our learned metric on several challenging tasks, e.g., face recognition/verification, object recognition, image clustering, and person re-identification. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm in comparison to many metric learning algorithms, even deep learning ones.

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