
Near-infrared and visible face recognition (NIR-VIS) is attracting increasing attention because of the need to achieve face recognition in low-light conditions to enable 24-hour secure retrieval. However, annotating identity labels for a large number of heterogeneous face images is time-consuming and expensive, which limits the application of the NIR-VIS face recognition system to larger scale real-world scenarios. In this paper, we attempt to achieve NIR-VIS face recognition in an unsupervised domain adaptation manner. To get rid of the reliance on manual annotations, we propose a novel Robust cross-domain Pseudo-labeling and Contrastive learning (RPC) network which consists of three key components, i.e., NIR cluster-based Pseudo labels Sharing (NPS), Domain-specific cluster Contrastive Learning (DCL) and Inter-domain cluster Contrastive Learning (ICL). Firstly, NPS is presented to generate pseudo labels by exploring robust NIR clusters and sharing reliable label knowledge with VIS domain. Secondly, DCL is designed to learn intra-domain compact yet discriminative representations. Finally, ICL dynamically combines and refines intrinsic identity relationships to guide the instance-level features to learn robust and domain-independent representations. Extensive experiments are conducted to verify an accuracy of over 99% in pseudo label assignment and the advanced performance of RPC network on four mainstream NIR-VIS datasets.

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