
Robust face clustering is a vital step in enabling computational understanding of visual character portrayal in media. Face clustering for long-form content is challenging because of variations in appearance and lack of supporting large-scale labeled data. Our work in this paper focuses on two key aspects of this problem: the lack of domain-specific training or benchmark datasets, and adapting face embeddings learned on web images to long-form content, specifically movies. First, we present a dataset of over 169,000 face tracks curated from 240 Hollywood movies with weak labels on whether a pair of face tracks belong to the same or a different character. We propose an offline algorithm based on nearest-neighbor search in the embedding space to mine hard-examples from these tracks. We then investigate triplet-loss and multiview correlation-based methods for adapting face embeddings to hard-examples. Our experimental results highlight the usefulness of weakly labeled data for domain-specific feature adaptation. Overall, we find that multiview correlation-based adaptation yields more discriminative and robust face embeddings. Its performance on downstream face verification and clustering tasks is comparable to that of the state-of-the-art results in this domain. We also present the SAIL-Movie Character Benchmark corpus developed to augment existing benchmarks. It consists of racially diverse actors and provides face-quality labels for subsequent error analysis. We hope that the large-scale datasets developed in this work can further advance automatic character labeling in videos. All resources are available freely at https://sail.usc.edu/~ccmi/multiface.

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