
The labor is a guarantee of economic, social and biological security and reproduction of man. The rapid development of technology, and in this context, robotics, brings with itself new opportunities for a better life of man, but also new dangers. One of these dangers is a reduction of the number of the workplaces on which man’s labor will be required. In production of goods and services people will be replaced by robots. People will become jobless. Left without a job they will be left to all the problems that poverty brings. Poverty is accompanied by fear for their existence. Fear is the negation of security and freedom. Without security people will fight to ensure it. There will be a social disorder and conflict. In order to avoid it, the correct distribution of the products of human labor will be necessary. If robots produce everything people needed, every one could enjoy the luxury and abundance. The condition for this is the capital owners to take care of their workers to whom labor is the only capital they have, and by larger allocations of the added value to provide them a life worthy of man. They, by want or no, will be forced to act in such a way, because the unemployment and poverty that is her companion, will lead to a fall in demand for goods and services. It will cause decline of production, so the whole economic system will be compromised. This problem can not be solved through market mechanisms. It requires solidarity in distribution of goods and services that will be provided by robots. Therefore, the social system must be changed or, in the begining, at least social model. In adition to trade unions, numerous associations for the protection of the rights of the unemployed will be emerged. There will be a worsening political conflict between the ruling establishments and opposition. In the ranks of the opposition, the main role will have the left-wing parties and associations. The state, as an organization of citizens and the government, as their service, must assume the role of balancer between labor and capital. Control protection functions of the state will intensify. The state will increasingly become a service to citizens and less protector of the interests of capital. At the stage of complete robotics it will become in the true sense of the word, a state of citizens. The distribution of social goods will finally take place according to the principle of „everyone according to his abilities, to everyone according to his needs“. Degrading wage labor will disappear.

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