
In some cases, it has been shown that fruits on trees with SNAP (Simple, Narrow, Accessible, and Productive) architectures are reachable by robot arms using three linear degrees of freedom; hence, high fruit-picking efficiencies can be achieved with simpler arms. This paper uses digitized fruit position data to compute the fruit pick cycle times (PCT) of robotic fruit harvesters with multiple arms arranged in grid configurations, i.e., operating in disjoint rectangular work cells independently of each other. The effects of the robot joints’ maximum linear acceleration and maximum linear velocity on PCTs were studied. As Vmax increased, the PCT followed a negative exponent power law (diminishing return) for any given Amax. Similarly, for a constant Vmax, the improvement of PCT as Amax increased slowed down at higher acceleration values.Also, the PCTs were computed when each arm work cell was designed based on equal fruit load or equal size criteria, using four workspace partitioning schemes (height split, length split, height split matrix, and length split matrix). Equal fruit-load configurations resulted in load balancing and exhibited lower PCTs; the height-split configuration was the best among the four different partitioning schemes, possibly because it compensated better for the fruit distribution's non-uniformity along the trees' height.Finally, the PCTs were computed while harvesting one side of an orchard row or both sides concurrently. Harvesting sides separately resulted in lower PCTs (greater speed) due to non-uniform fruit distributions on the different sides of trees. The insights gained in this paper can inform the design of harvesting robots utilizing arrays of 3-dof linear arms.

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