
AbstractRobotic hand systems fall under the areas of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), and are an important field nowadays. Today’s technology shows a great interest in robotic systems, evident in the number of studies being conducted in this area. There are numerous studies in various fields on robotic systems, with the aim to facilitate human life. In this work, a robot hand was designed that is capable of replicating finger movements by relying on flexible sensors attached to a wearable glove. The sensor is able to measure finger angle with high accuracy, albeit inexpensively. Thanks to the manual robotic prototype created in this study using different materials and mechanisms, it can be adopted in areas that are unsafe for human health. Through the gloves, the angle data on the sensors and servo motor position information are transmitted to the robotic handheld system through a digital AI software. Determinations related to the robot hand control are carried out with an Arduino card. Five servo motors, one for each finger, constrain the mechanical hand. These servo engines can be moved if necessary. The Main Control Unit (MCU) is attached to these servo engines. Arduino is used in its MCU. We used the IF statement algorithm to allow the robotic hand’s fingers to move smoothly in a variety of angles, despite the device’s resistance, and at a low cost, so that it could be made available to anyone.KeywordsArtificial IntelligentMain Control Unit (MCU)Machine learning (ML)Robotic handArduinoRobotic ArmFive Fingered Robotic Hand (FFRH)

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