
Purpose Stroke, spinal cord injury and other neuromuscular disorders lead to impairments in the human body. Upper limb impairments, especially hand impairments affect activities of daily living (ADL) and reduce the quality of life. The purpose of this review is to compare and evaluate the available robotic rehabilitation and assistive devices that can lead to motor recovery or maintain the current motor functional level. Methods A systematic review was conducted of the literature published in the years from 2016–2021, to focus on the most recent rehabilitation and assistive devices available in the market or research environments. Results A total of 230 studies published between 2016 and 2021 were identified from various databases. 107 were excluded with various reasons. Twenty-eight studies were taken into detailed review, to determine the efficacy of robotic devices in improving upper limb impairments or maintaining the current level from getting worse. Conclusion It was concluded that with a good strategy and treatment plan; appropriate and regular use of these robotic rehabilitation and assistive devices do lead to improvements in current conditions of most of the subjects and prolonged use may lead to motor recovery. Implications for Rehabilitation Stroke, accidents, spinal cord injuries and other neuromuscular disorders lead to impairments. Upper limb impairments have a tremendous adverse affect on ADL and reduces quality of life drastically. Advancement in technology has led to the designing of many robotic assistive and rehabilitation devices to assist in motor recovery or aid in ADL. This review analyses different available devices for rehabilitation and assistance and points out that use of these devices in time does help in motor recovery. Most of the studies reviewed showed improvements for the user. Future devices should be more portable and easier to use from home,

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