
本研究提出機器人建造:發展基於離散設計下機械手臂金屬彎折應用於自體站立牆體工法。發展機器人建造工法主要著眼於建築相關產業的數位轉型,希冀透過導入數位製造相關科技,以設計為建造的概念實現流程革新。透過發展設計端的離散設計搭配製造端與組裝端的機械手臂輔助的模式,將三者進行一體化的迴圈式整合。本研究實際以月津港節裝置藝術金屬彎折自體站立牆體專案驗證流程。具體的做法1.首先在設計發展之初屬於輸入端透過Rhino搭配Grasshopper建置數位雙生模型。該數位雙生模型的構成是從從初始的二維樣式元素開始,進一步運用形變的方式組合成一個最小單位的三維線性聚積單元,最後聚積成一個大範圍離散建築資訊模型。2.在第二階段的處理階段主要的目標是抽取出可用於製造與組裝的資訊。本研究以Grasshopper為基礎,透過Python撰寫出必要的電池單元來分析與抽取資訊,其中包括運用WASP電池分析由聚積單元所提供的曲線資訊,並進一步導出用於彎折製造的向量資訊(Orientation)。組裝資訊上則同樣透過Python撰寫電池搭配路徑演算的Compas來對離散模型進行分析並抽取出組裝次序(Order)的資訊。3.最終在輸出端,本研究透過KUKA|PRC將向量資訊與次序資訊分別轉化成用於彎折製造以及用於組裝的機械手臂KRL作動控制檔,驅動機械手臂進行最終的製造以及組裝。最終完成一道長325cm寬90cm高260cm的離散牆體。In this paper, we propose Robot Construction: the development of robotic arm metal bending based on discrete design apply to self-standing wall construction. The robot construction focuses on the digital transformation in relevant architecture industries. It will leverage the emerge of digital fabrication technology to lead the process revolution of ''Design for Build''. We take the art installation in Yuejin Lantern Festival to demonstrate our robot-aided metal bending self-standing wall via input, process, and output phases. 1. In the input phase, we use Rhino and Grasshopper to develop the digital twin model which is Sequentially constituted from 2D Pattern Element, 3D Aggregative Unit, to Discrete BIM. 2. The process phase aims to generate the fabrication and assembly information from discrete BIM. The GH python plugin including WASP and Compas functions is developed to extract the orientation and order information from each curve in discrete BIM. 3. In the output phase, the orientation and order information are interpreted to robotic arm work path via KUKA|PRC. The work path in KML format finally drives the KUKA robotic arm to bend metals and assemble them into the 325cm by 90cm by 260cm discrete wall.

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