
Numerous loss of lives is seen each year and the sum is consistently expanding because of destruction, fiasco, cataclysm and so forth these incorporate natural and man-made fiascoes. To counter this we have structured a rescue robot that is autonomous, it pursues track way by dint of 3 ultrasonic sensors in the front. For the processing work Raspberry Pi Model B is utilized which incorporates a grouping of single board processors. The smaller card size is handful as we are utilizing 4wd Car Chassis and a motor controller to drive it through. The robot features computer vision and raspberry pi camera module is used to help with the vision. We trained the camera utilizing algorithm to empower it identify movement, consequently after detecting movement the robot utilizes PIR to detect and affirm human presence. When human life is recognized in a destructed place the web application helps us to observe the live streaming of that found human and the closest environment. The coordination of GPS Module gives us a chance to see the area of where rescue activity is occurring. The web application that is designed by us likewise gives us a chance to do as such. After rescuing the detected individual, it goes on its merry way in repeating the flow of work that is assigned to it helping achieve maximum amount of success and lives saved. The reality to stun is, all these are incorporated in a solitary car chassis and the expense behind the work is insignificant. The reason is utilizing raspberry pi and our work to make a pi camera module ready to recognize movement by help of raspberry pi while incredible and expensive processors are required by and large.

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