
Introduction. With the monetary reform in December 1947, the rationing system was abolished, and as a result open trade was reinstituted. The changes brought about organizational restructuring of the state and cooperative sectors, and hitherto closed workers’ supply departments. Goods funds grew significantly, the retail network started to expand and specialize. However, the plans for the goods turnover were not fulfilled completely and evenly, which resulted in failure to meet the growing demands of the population of the Republic as well as in a growing amount of excess leftovers in the network. The purpose of the research is to identify the main problems in the planning of trade in Bashkiria after the abolishment of the card system in 1947. Materials and Methods. The article is based on statistical and accounting documents of the Republic’s Ministry of Trade, Bashkir Consumer Union, the Regional Committee of the Party, unpublished before and provided by the National Archive of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The principles of historicism, historical-comparative and historical-system methods were used in process of research. Results and Discussion. In the course of the study it has been proved that goods turnover plans were fulfilled unevenly by organizations of state and cooperative trade (both by quarters and in terms of the assortment). The deficit for goods coexisted with the growing excess of goods leftovers on all levels of the trading network. At the same time, there were some relapses into distribution system as well as various infringements, which all hampered the uninterrupted trade of foodstuffs and manufactured goods. Conclusion. Infringements and flaws in trade planning, lack of attention to the seasonal character of certain goods, the cultural level and ethnicity in different districts led to increasing shortages in trade not only of scarce goods but also convenience goods, which were in sufficient stock in warehouses. Trading systems could not sell all the goods produced by the state and cooperative industry and meet the people’s demands for necessary goods.

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