
A unique index-record of Last Interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 5e MIS5e) relative sea level (RSL) and wave climate history in South-east Australia is presented from Robbins Island, in western Bass Strait. This is applied to interpret the wider MIS5e coastal evidence around Bass Strait. At Robbins Island, the combination of low wave and wind energy, a tide-modified regime and a sand supply resulted in the shoreline progradation throughout MIS5e. This preserved a time-series of paleo-sea level across a 7 km wide strandplain (Remarkable Banks). After a highstand, MIS5e RSL attained a stillstand of +5.75 ± 0.5 m above modern mean sea level during 126 to ∼119 ka BP. The MIS5e RSL interpretation is underpinned by modern analogues and hydrodynamic modelling of waves, tides and currents. A high resolution LiDAR Digital Elevation Model (DEM) supported by morpho-sedimentary studies, ground-penetration radar (GPR) surveys and a geochronology based upon Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) methods were used to define the proxy RSL record. The observed RSL history was compared to modelled RSL history that accounted for the theoretical fall in RSL (regression) throughout MIS5e, due to the Glacio-Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) forcing.

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