
This paper proposes a methodology to measure spatial effects of roads and local authorities' seats in a diffusion of business activity, which usually follows the distance decay patterns, from core to periphery. Regional development policy, pursued by regional authorities, directed to local units and designed to support local economies is implemented as a centrifugal diffusion process. This invisible flow of policy will be modeled with one-way spatial interaction model represented by multinomial distance-decay function on the integrated spatial dataset. (This abstract was borrowed from another version of this item.)


  • Spatial characteristics are important to policy transfer

  • This study of spatial diffusion of business activity in the core–periphery pattern captured the effects of international roads and institutional settings on natural flow mechanisms

  • NUTS5 municipalities connected administratively with regional NUTS2 core cities exhibit different degrees of business saturation, which was hypothesized to decrease with distance

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Contemporary Economics

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Spatial integrated dataset
Roads as Channels of Centrifugal Policy Transfer
Estimation results
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Paper version not known

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