
STIRAP (stimulated Raman adiabatic passage) is a powerful laser-based method, usually involving two photons, for efficient and selective transfer of populations between quantum states. A particularly interesting feature is the fact that the coupling between the initial and the final quantum states is via an intermediate state, even though the lifetime of the latter can be much shorter than the interaction time with the laser radiation. Nevertheless, spontaneous emission from the intermediate state is prevented by quantum interference. Maintaining the coherence between the initial and final state throughout the transfer process is crucial. STIRAP was initially developed with applications in chemical dynamics in mind. That is why the original paper of 1990 was published in The Journal of Chemical Physics. However, from about the year 2000, the unique capabilities of STIRAP and its robustness with respect to small variations in some experimental parameters stimulated many researchers to apply the scheme to a variety of other fields of physics. The successes of these efforts are documented in this collection of articles. In Part A the experimental success of STIRAP in manipulating or controlling molecules, photons, ions or even quantum systems in a solid-state environment is documented. After a brief introduction to the basic physics of STIRAP, the central role of the method in the formation of ultracold molecules is discussed, followed by a presentation of how precision experiments (measurement of the upper limit of the electric dipole moment of the electron or detecting the consequences of parity violation in chiral molecules) or chemical dynamics studies at ultralow temperatures benefit from STIRAP. Next comes the STIRAP-based control of photons in cavities followed by a group of three contributions which highlight the potential of the STIRAP concept in classical physics by presenting data on the transfer of waves (photonic, magnonic and phononic) between respective waveguides. The works on ions or ion strings discuss options for applications, e.g. in quantum information. Finally, the success of STIRAP in the controlled manipulation of quantum states in solid-state systems, which are usually hostile towards coherent processes, is presented, dealing with data storage in rare-earth ion doped crystals and in nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers or even in superconducting quantum circuits. The works on ions and those involving solid-state systems emphasize the relevance of the results for quantum information protocols. Part B deals with theoretical work, including further concepts relevant to quantum information or invoking STIRAP for the manipulation of matter waves. The subsequent articles discuss the experiments underway to demonstrate the potential of STIRAP for populating otherwise inaccessible high-lying Rydberg states of molecules, or controlling and cooling the translational motion of particles in a molecular beam or the polarization of angular-momentum states. The series of articles concludes with a more speculative application of STIRAP in nuclear physics, which, if suitable radiation fields become available, could lead to spectacular results.


  • Instead of implementing quantum gates with lasers, global rf fields allow the execution of quantum gates via the application of voltages to a microchip, as shown in figure 20, a mechanism resembling the operation of classical transistors

  • Because of the exquisite control possible in the generation of multi-tone microwave and rf signals afforded by advances in mobile phone and radar technologies, coherent control methods, such as STIRAP, rapid adiabatic passage and composite pulses, form a powerful tool to enhance fidelities in the quest to build practical quantum computers

  • These artificial structures behave in accordance with quantum physics, displaying similar discrete energy-level structures as the atoms, one expects that the same state-preparation protocols apply

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Introduction - Basics of the STIRAP process

The basic task of STIRAP (stimulated Raman adiabatic passage) is to transfer a population within a quantum system efficiently and selectively from a state 1 to an initially unpopulated state 3 This is done by means of a two-photon process involving the radiation fields P and S (see figure 1). Application of STIRAP to molecules or other quantum systems with a high energy-level density remains a challenge because nearby states will cause Stark shifts that vary with the laser intensity, and prevent maintaining two-photon resonance. In these cases low laser intensity is wanted. Roadmap articles highlight the many, very diverse and promising applications of the STIRAP process

STIRAP in ultracold molecule formation
STIRAP and the precise measurement of the electron’s electric dipole moment
Ultracold chemistry in STIRAP-prepared ultracold molecular samples
Quantum interfacing of stationary and flying qubits
The STIRAP concept in optical waveguides
The magnonic STIRAP process
The STIRAP concept in coupled acoustic cavities
STIRAP in ions and ion strings
STIRAP for quantum information processing with global radiation fields
STIRAP in rare-earth ion doped crystals
Adiabatic population transfer in diamond nitrogen vacancy centers
Applications of STIRAP in superconducting quantum circuits
STIRAP in quantum information
Spatial adiabatic passage
Populating Rydberg states of molecules by STIRAP
Controlling molecular beams with magnetic fields and STIRAP
Application of STIRAP for polarizing angularmomentum states
Nuclear coherent population transfer
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