
Background: Road traffic accidents were a major public health problem especially in low and middle income countries, head injuries were found to be the most common injuries. Objectives: To identify the relationship of road traffic injuries with different associated factors. Methodology: This was a cross sectional study conducted on 500 Road Traffic Accidents victims admitted to the emergency unit at Al Sader Teaching General Hospital in Al najaf Holy province-Iraq. Data collection was done using a pretested questionnaire. Outcomes of the injury cases were evaluated by a medical team including neurosurgeon, medical, and orthopedics to identify the types (pattern) of cranio-cerebral injuries. Results: Most of the victims are males in their productive age, motorcycle is the most common cause of accidents, head injuries constituted the highest proportion(39.6%) , the mortality rate was(13.6%) , unhealthy behaviors during driving were dominated. Cerebral contusions and skull fractures were the most common lesions among head injuries and trauma brain injuries victims.

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