
Abstract: In country like India road accident result in loss of lakhs of human as well as animals lives and severe injuries to crores of people. In India itself more than eighty thousand people are killed in road accidents every year. The present transport system has reduced the distances but it has on the other hand increased the life threat. In most of the cases accident arises either due to negligence or due to lack of road safety attentiveness of the road user. Our ambition is to provide road safety information for road users to inspire safer road user behavior among current and approaching road users and minimize the number of people killed and injured on roads each year. In this study, the section of road from “(Dhandhuka to Dholera road state highway 20)” near Ahmedabad in the state of Gujrat. Road having considerable traffic during day time and some black spots on the road where accidents takes place continuously. A detailed analysis of road is carried out on the basis of data collection like classified traffic volume study, accidental data collection, potholes on road data collection, road safety signs and symbols, crust details of existing road etc.

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