
Countries around the world are developing roadmaps for the modernization and development of energy networks in order to increase energy and economic efficiency, the introduction of tools for rational energy consumption, improving the reliability, sustainability and quality of electricity. At the same time, special interest is paid to the base of using innovative technologies and renewable energy sources. This article provides a bibliographic review of publications in the field of European experience in developing a roadmap for the modernization and development of energy grids. During the analysis, a selection of papers for 2010-2021 was selected from the Scopus® database, which contains bibliographic information about scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals, books and conferences.With the help of VOSviewer software were identified five clusters of research in the context of forming a roadmap for the modernization and development of energy grids. The first cluster is related to energy efficiency issues. This cluster has the most relationships with other clusters. The cluster contains key concepts such as roadmap, international roadmap technology and Smart Grid technology. The second cluster was formed on the basis of research on different types of energy resources. In the third cluster, most connections are found in terms of «sustainable development». The fourth cluster forms the key concepts related to energy policy and standardization. The fifth cluster includes energy development factors studied by developed countries. In turn, the article identifies the countries that are most interested in the deployment of the road map and the implementation of "Smart Grid" projects. Thus, the most actively studied this issue by such countries as Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Great Britain, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, France. According to the results of the database of the Center for Joint Research "Smart Electricity Systems and Interoperability", the implemented Smart Grid projects by EU countries were analyzed. The main tasks of the modern energy model are outlined.

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