
AbstractThe effects of restoration of impassable road culverts on the distribution of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were evaluated in seven small tributaries of the subarctic River Teno system, northernmost Finland/Norway. Restoration enabled the passage of juvenile salmon through the culverts and increased the distribution area of salmon parr in the seven streams by tens or hundreds of metres, depending on the natural slope of the tributary with a total of ≈1 km new area for ascending juveniles. Areas upstream of the culverts were colonised after varying number of years, mostly 2–3, following restoration. Age‐1 and age‐2 parr were the first salmon age groups entering the new territory after removal of the migration barrier. Although the restoration measures were conducted at the downstream outlet area of the culverts only, the connectivity was improved and increased the production area accessible to juvenile salmon. Such removal of migration barriers and securing habitat connectivity by passable culverts should be taken into account in environmental management strategies of river systems safeguarding the essential habitats of salmonid fish.

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