
The highway is always identical to the motor vehicle which is one of the means to reach a specific location or destination, for example, they are going home or work, shopping, vacation, or those who are planning to return home. Not many people know about the road condition information along the way they will pass. Based on the lack of information on road conditions, especially in the area of East Java, it needed a Road Condition Monitoring application that can run on a mobile platform Android. Users can find out about road conditions will be passed. These applications take advantage of social media by using Text Mining System as information to be displayed to the user, so the application can be real time. The information will be displayed to users categorized into six types, including floods, traffic jams, congested roads, road damage, accidents, and landslides. The result of the evaluation process of this road condition monitoring has an accuracy of 92%. With this application, it will be monitoring road conditions in real time and the community will also feel more secure and comfortable when traveling inside and outside the city in any time.

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