
Müshkilu’l-Qur’an” is a subject of great importance in the sciences of the Qur’an. In terms of thhe necessity of understanting the Qur’an correctly and developing an accurate interpretation, this subject which is evaluated within the scope of ‘ulûmu’l-Qur’an, should be well understood. It is know that people who do not have sufficient knowledge in this field do not have sufficient mental ability to interpret such verses in the Qur’an within the framework of certain rules, due to the fact that people’s understanding and comprehension abilities are different from other. It is seen that schools of thought that are againts Islam use mutashabih, concise and problematic verses in order to mislead people from the real message that the Qur’an wants to convey and the truths of the Qur’an. Islamic scholars who lived in different periods seriously focused on the concesps of “mushkilu’l-Qur’an” and “ihlilâfu’l-Qur’an” and gave convincing answers to even the slightest criticisms from this direction. İt is important for people who believe that the Qur’an is the truth and know taht there is no real conflict anywhere in the Qur’an. Otherwise, it seems likely taht they will adopt some skeptical approaches about the Qur’an. This article aims to respond to the criticisms directed at the Qur’an and the claims of apparent contradiction, which were brought to the agenda as if it wera a problem in different periods of history, and to explain the methods and interpretation methods to be followed regarding the verses that are thought to be in conflict with each other by focusing on the reasons fort he conflicts in the verses.

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