
To understand the physiological changes that occur in response to spaceflight, mice are transported to the International Space Station (ISS) and housed for variable periods of time before euthanasia on-orbit or return to Earth. Sample collection under such difficult conditions introduces confounding factors that need to be identified and addressed. We found large changes in the transcriptome of mouse tissues dissected and preserved on-orbit compared to tissues from mice euthanized on-orbit, preserved, and dissected after return to Earth. Changes due to preservation method eclipsed those between flight and ground samples making it difficult to identify spaceflight-specific changes. Follow-on experiments to interrogate the roles of euthanasia methods, tissue and carcass preservation protocols, and library preparation methods suggested that differences due to preservation protocols are exacerbated when coupled with polyA selection. This has important implications for the interpretation of existing datasets and the design of future experiments.

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