
In the field of RNA structural biology and bioinformatics, an access to correctly annotated RNA structure is of crucial importance, especially in the secondary and 3D structure predictions. RNApdbee webserver, introduced in 2014, primarily aimed to address the problem of RNA secondary structure extraction from the PDB files. Its new version, RNApdbee 2.0, is a highly advanced multifunctional tool for RNA structure annotation, revealing the relationship between RNA secondary and 3D structure given in the PDB or PDBx/mmCIF format. The upgraded version incorporates new algorithms for recognition and classification of high-ordered pseudoknots in large RNA structures. It allows analysis of isolated base pairs impact on RNA structure. It can visualize RNA secondary structures—including that of quadruplexes—with depiction of non-canonical interactions. It also annotates motifs to ease identification of stems, loops and single-stranded fragments in the input RNA structure. RNApdbee 2.0 is implemented as a publicly available webserver with an intuitive interface and can be freely accessed at http://rnapdbee.cs.put.poznan.pl/

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