
Alignment of 3D molecular structures involves overlaying their sets of atoms in space in such a way as to minimize the distance between the corresponding atoms. The purpose of this procedure is usually to analyze and assess structural similarity on a global (e.g.evaluating predicted 3D models and clustering structures) or a local level (e.g.searching for common substructures). Although the idea of alignment is simple, combinatorial algorithms that implement it require considerable computational resources, even when processing relatively small structures. In this paper, we introduce RNAhugs, a web server for custom and flexible alignment of 3D RNA structures. Using two efficient heuristics, GEOS and GENS, it finds the longest corresponding fragments within 3D structures that may differ in sizes-given in the PDB or PDBx/mmCIF formats-that manage to align with user-specified accuracy (i.e.with an RMSD not exceeding a cutoff value given as an input parameter). A distinctive advantage of the system lies in its ability to process multi-model files and compare the results of 1-25 alignments in a single task. RNAhugs has an intuitive interface and is publicly available at https://rnahugs.cs.put.poznan.pl/.

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