
Scientific breakthroughs in recent times have brought major advances in fundamental research, which eventually lead to their utilization for human welfare. One such discovery is of RNA interference (RNAi), in which double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) hinders gene expression, usually by binding to messenger RNA (mRNA) and triggering its degradation. Among the various biotechnological tools currently available, RNAi has been playing a significant role in crop improvement as it guarantees greater accuracy and fidelity to plant improvement. The invention of this phenomenon has changed it into a potent tool of genetic engineering and functional genomics. RNAi technology gives us an explicit methodology for downregulation of gene of interest without inhibiting the expression of any other gene in the plant. RNAi has been successfully applied in different plants to bring about modifications of numerous desirable traits. Nutritional improvements have led to the activation of defence mechanism against biotic and abiotic stresses. Alteration in morphology, reduced content of food allergens, crafting male sterility, enhanced secondary metabolite synthesis and production of seedless plant varieties are some of the other advantages of RNAi. In spite of these advantages, crop plants developed by RNAi strategy may generate biosafety risks. So, there is a need for risk assessment of genetically modified crops in order to make RNAi a better tool to develop crops probably with less biosafety issues.

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