
It has long been established that in addition to being involved in protein translation, RNA plays essential roles in numerous other cellular processes, including gene regulation and DNA replication. Such roles are known to be dictated by higher-order structures of RNA molecules. It is therefore of prime importance to find an RNA sequence that can fold to acquire a particular function that is desirable for use in pharmaceuticals and basic research. The challenge of finding an RNA sequence for a given structure is known as the RNA design problem. Although there are several algorithms to solve this problem, they mainly consider hard constraints, such as minimum free energy, to evaluate the predicted sequences. Recently, SHAPE data has emerged as a new soft constraint for RNA secondary structure prediction. To take advantage of this new experimental constraint, we report here a new method for accurate design of RNA sequences based on their secondary structures using SHAPE data as pseudo-free energy. We then compare our algorithm with four others: INFO-RNA, ERD, MODENA and RNAifold 2.0. Our algorithm precisely predicts 26 out of 29 new sequences for the structures extracted from the Rfam dataset, while the other four algorithms predict no more than 22 out of 29. The proposed algorithm is comparable to the above algorithms on RNA-SSD datasets, where they can predict up to 33 appropriate sequences for RNA secondary structures out of 34.

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