
AbstractDermatophytosis represent a frequent reason for consultation in dermatology. Their treatment involve active antifungal molecules active on dermatophyte species, mainly using a systemic route. The choice of the treatment varies with the location of the infection, the number of attacks and the extent of the lesions. Terbinafine is the molecule of choice with either topical and systemic formulation. Terbinafine is the pivotal drug in particular for the treatment of onychomycosis, extensive skin dermatophytosis and more recently for tinea capitis in children, as griseofulvin is no longer marketed in France. The medical microbiologist, who has a predominant role in the biological diagnosis, must provide the prescribing physician, but also the patient, or even his entourage, with all useful informations regarding the origin of the contamination, the monitoring of the treatment and the prevention of relapses.

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