
The Arabs in the period of revelation(vahiy) had a belief -inherited by their ancestors- based on shirk, and also which is lack of the basis of knowledge, evidence(burhan), and contemplation. Since they think that a single god is inadequate and inaccessible, they have produced gods from various creatures. Hence, revelation has aimed to keep them away from the shirk and to convey the tawhid. In this context, first of all, they were asked to think and query about their god perceptions. Thus, they were intended to realize their own false perception and beliefs. For this reason, on the one hand various evidences and examples were presented them, on the other hand they were asked whether they have any books which were the basis of these beliefs or not. Since some people were closed to such a questioning, some anecdotes which show the nature of the creatures they consecrated were also reminded them. In this regard, the case that Hz Ibrahim chops the idols is an act to break the false god perception, which they could not break in their minds, and the meanings they put on the idols. The revelation wanted to show them that their idols had no power, and could not harm them. Likewise, the revelation has criticized the conception of life of the idolaters; it has stated that if they continue to attribute a partner as god, they have been awaiting a bad fate. By all these approaches, the revelation has addressed both their minds and feelings. In the final analysis, it has tried to transform their superstition into a right.

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