
In 2008 The Independent reported on a new influenza pandemic which can cause loss of more than fifty million lives around the world. The British Lords were talking about a bird flu strain which can rapidly spread due to conducive conditions. After a year, the World Health Organization declared the sixth threat level of swine flu pandemic. The new rapidly spreading virus became stronger and more dangerous to all people in the world. The USA was one of the first countries that recognized the epidemic being not only a health problem as the situation can be easily manipulated by psychosis. Political scenarists were creating one scenario worse after another. Swine flu swept across the Lithuania media too. The study involved the selection of keywords that served as the basis for selection of publications on swine flu; the content was divided into categories, while categories in turn were divided in subcategories; the content data was interpreted. The study of the mass media texts focused on the agenda-setting by the mass media, construction of texts and creation of social reality. The qualitative and quantitative study period spans from November 2009 to April 2010. The beginning of the analysed period was selected for the reason that in November 2009 Lithuania declared flu pandemic. June 2009 saw some sporadic reports on swine flu, however, the Lithuanian mass media did not pay much attention to the issue. However, the information flow started increasing from November when cases of swine flu become more frequent. The end of the analysed period was selected for the reason that it saw a significantly decreased spread of reports on swine flu in the analysed sources. The sources for qualitative and quantitative anglysis were selected purposefully, aiming to analyse the information in the traditional mass media: press, television and the Internet. A commercial channel of printed media, a commercial online news portal and the Lithuanian national TV channel were picked. News portal Delfi.lt and daily Lietuvos Rytas were chosen for being the most popular in Lithuania, while Lithuanian National Television was selected as the only non-commercial TV channel. A sum up of the quantitative and qualitative content analysis showed that the mass media constantly worked to inform society about swine flu, however, the content of the published informatikon was viewed negatively since it lacked the educational aspect of how to protect oneself from pandemic, it also fell short of critical and analytical evaluation of the situation. Reasoning of the experts formed a negative opinion about public authorities and their ability to manage the risk. At first the media presents these experts as authorities to be trusted yet, subsequently this trust starts sagging, a move to the attacking strategy is made which results in increased distrust both in the mass media itself and the experts. Risk communication was irresponsible.

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