
Nowadays, it is common for information and communication technologies to be available to children at the youngest age. The results of the research conducted globally and in our country indicate that there is an increase in the number of Internet users. The widespread use of the Internet began in the 90s of the previous century and very quickly turned into an enormous pool of information, the new ways of communication, social networks, and the like. As with any other medium, the Internet has so far influenced the changing of life-styles and the ways of communication. The advantages of the Internet for learning and development are reflected in the development of important intellectual competences, an easier access to information, the formation of attitudes and values about the interests and activities that connect them, a quick and easy communication, a more interesting way of learning, and in encouraging creativity. Young people are given an opportunity to attend e-learning academies, and they also have access to online education. However, with the increased and uncontrolled use of the Internet, the risk of the potential exposure of young people to various inappropriate contents, abuse and exploitation is also increasing. The more time children spend on the Internet, the higher the risk of their exposure to various contents that they are especially susceptible to, and that are often inappropriate for children's age and their level of development. The extent of the harm caused by using the Internet, or whether there will be no harm at all, depends not only on the time spent on the Internet, but also on what it is used for. The aim of this paper is to look at the potential risks of using the Internet and the possibilities of preventing Internet addiction based on the review and analysis of the relevant literature. The concept of Internet addiction came into being in the 90s of the previous century, but there is still no agreement regarding the recognition of this concept, term and etiology, nor about the best methodological approach to it. As information and communication technologies are a part of our everyday life, the role of parents, pedagogues, teachers, and the entire community becomes more complex.


  • The widespread use of the Internet began in the 90s of the previous century and very quickly turned into an enormous pool of information, the new ways of communication, social networks, and the like

  • The aim of this paper is to look at the potential risks of using the Internet and the possibilities of preventing Internet addiction based on the review and analysis of the relevant literature

  • The concept of Internet addiction came into being in the 90s of the previous century, but there is still no agreement regarding the recognition of this concept, term and etiology, nor about the best methodological approach to it

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Развој и карактеристике интернета

Последњих неколико година сведоци смо повећања употребе дигиталних технологија и интернета, посебно међу децом и младима. Други аутори (Popadić, Kuzmanović, 2016) истичу да је почетак деведесетих година донео праву револуционарну новину, а то је интернет. Такође, истичу да интернет више, брже и лакше него било који други медиј задовољава потребу човека као социјалног бића за комуникацијом и друштвом, пружа осећај припадања и прихватања без обзира на расу, пол, мане или старост. Многи сматрају да је интернет комуникацијски догађај који је утицао на промену стила живота и начина комуникације и тако потврдио тезу да сваки нови медиј мења људску свест. Други аутори (Vrućinić, Rodić, 2016), такође, истичу да је интернет постао део свакодневног живота у савременом друштву и да је са собом донео многе предности. Код нас је уобичаје термин зависност од интернета (Radovanović, Spasić, 2009)

Предности и ризици употребе интернета
Појам и облици зависности од интернета
Зависност од интернета и особине личности
Карактеристике интернет генерације
Медијска писменост и подизање свести о ризицима на интернету
Превенција зависности од интернета и заштита деце и младих на интернету
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