
In 1993 a Task Committee (TC) of the ASCE was established to study the hydraulics, bank mechanics, and modeling of width adjustment in alluvial channels. The work of the TC in reviewing width adjustment processes and mechanisms is reported in this paper. A companion paper presents the findings of the TC with regard to width adjustment modeling. This paper first establishes the geomorphic context within which width adjustments occur, and it demonstrates that width adjustment may take place over a wide range of scales in time and space. In the past engineering analyses of channel width have tended to concentrate on prediction of the equilibrium width for stable channels. Most commonly the regime, extremal hypothesis, and rational (mechanistic) approaches are used, and these are reviewed herein. More recently, attention has switched to channels that are adjusting their morphology either due to natural instability or in response to changes in watershed land use, river regulation, or channel engineering. Chara...

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