
This research is entitled "Ritual Mangan Indahan Siporhis Ethnic Batak Toba." This research aims to describe the symbols in the Mangan Indahan Siporhis Ritual of the Toba Batak ethnicity, the symbol message in the Mangan Indahan Siporhis Ritual of the Toba Batak ethnicity, the symbol value contained in the Mangan Indahan Siporhis Ritual of the Toba Batak ethnicity. The theory used in this research is the theory of social semiotics proposed by Peirce (1839-1914 (Sobur, 2003: 159) and Pateda (2001: 29), using descriptive qualitative methods with structured interview observations. The research results found are (1) stages in the mangan indahan siporhis ritual of the Toba Batak ethnicity, (2) social status marker symbols, (3) time symbols, (4) 7 food symbols, (5) 7 equipment symbols, 14 symbol messages and 6 symbol values of solidarity, mutual assistance, togetherness, mutual consent, cooperation and social symbol values. Keywords: Mangan indahan siporhis ritual, symbol, value, social semiotics.

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