
An analysis of the literature and an essay on the problem of recognizing the diseases of workers — diagnosis and causation(work-relatedness assessment) are given. A historical reference is made on the etiology of workers’ diseases and the statements of the classics about the causality in medicine. The main categories of occupational medicine and terminology of the WHO and ILO, the principles of evidence in occupational health are considered. The WHO concept of work-related diseases (WRD), occupational disease (OD) recognition systems under ILO Convention No. 121, features of the ILO occupational diseases list (revision 2010), and the criteria for inclusion of diseases in this list are presented.The general provisions of causation, types of causation algorithms in consensus and evidence-based medicine, as well as a generalized algorithm for analyzing periodic medical examinations data are considered. The European experience of recognition of WRD is considered. Based on experience and literature data, we propose a 10-step causation algorithm, including forecasting the probability of OD and WRD, as well as quantifying the degree of work-relatedness with computer support programs from the electronic directory «Occupational Risk» (http://medtrud. com/). It is concluded that legal recognition of WRD is needed for early diagnosis and prophylaxis of workers’ health disorders in conditions of digitalization of the economy and society.


  • Ключевые слова: профессиональные заболевания; болезни, связанные с работой; критерии; алгоритмы распознавания; каузация; оценка связи с работой

  • Based on experience and literature data, we propose a 10-step causation algorithm, including forecasting the probability of occupational disease (OD) and work-related diseases (WRD), as well as quantifying the degree of work-relatedness with computer support programs from the electronic directory «Occupational Risk»

  • It is concluded that legal recognition of WRD is needed for early diagnosis and prophylaxis of workers’ health disorders in conditions of digitalization of the economy and society

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Таблица 3 Алгоритм действий врача-профпатолога при диагностике профессиональных заболеваний или распознавании болезней, связанных с работой. Да — оценка риска по Р 2.2.1766–03 и класс условий труда по критериям Руководства. Другие факторы риска Индивидуальные показатели: возраст, пол, наследственная предрасположенность, травмы, хронические болезни и т. П. Оценка риска и предвари- Суждение о дозе и специфичности действия фактора тельный диагноз. Расчет вероятности профзаболевания или болезни, связанной с работой по компьютерным программам 7.2 Доказательная медици- Перенос данных для профгрупп на индивидуальные случаи: на (использование баз дан- если пациент по полу, возрасту, стажу типичен для выбранной базы данных, то ных из литературы) этиологическую долю из базы данных приравнивают к вероятности наличия болезни у данного пациента;. При их отличии применяют линейную интерполяцию по уровню и/или стажу. Вают как среднюю или слабую, заболевание считают общим; для дальнейшего анализа com/.

10 Рекомендации
21. Identification and recognition of occupational diseases
27. Methodologies to identify work-related diseases
30. Methodology of work-relatedness assessment of a disease
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