
Statistics suggest that older and younger people are about equally at risk for HIV infection, yet existing research on heterosexuality and safer sexual practices has tended to focus on people under the age of 25. The present qualitative study investigates risk behaviours and the practice of safer sex in older populations. Group discussions comprising women over the age of 30 (n = 23) targeted two issues: the gendered power dimension of heterosexuality and safer sex in long term relationships. Cohort issues were also discussed. The discussion groups revealed that the imbalance of power between men and women which has been shown by previous research to constrain younger women's choices with regard to safer sex, continues to affect older women's decisions. Many of the group participants still found it difficult to assert themselves in sexual relationships and even those who were able to challenge overt pressures to engage in unsafe sex were still susceptible to internalized social pressures. In addition, it seems that risks for older age groups are increased by difficulties in continuing to use condoms in long term relationships where monogamy cannot be taken for granted. It was also apparent that there are difficulties in changing sexual behaviours which were established before HIV became an issue.

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