
The purpose of the article is to study the risk-oriented approach in engineering enterprises, to conduct expert risk assessment of design as an important process of quality management system of an engineering company. Methodology of research. The tasks of the article are solved using the following general scientific and special methods of research: analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization, dialectical approach. Findings. It is substantiated that risk management should form an adequate system for detecting, identifying, evaluating and neutralizing the relevant risks in the activity of an engineering enterprise, in particular for design. The requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015 on design and risk management are considered and attention is paid to their assessment, which allows to identify potential threats in a timely manner, to analyze the causes of their occurrence and to formulate measures for their response. FMEA analysis has proven to be an effective means of identifying and evaluating design risks. As a result of the peer review, potential risks to the design process and stakeholders (stakeholders) of the engineering enterprise were identified and those from which the priority number of risk was greater than the priority number of risk limit were identified. This is essential information for senior management of an engineering company to formulate corrective actions and take management to reduce or eliminate risks to the product and service design process. Practical value. The results of risk assessment in design can become a methodological basis for managing the risks of engineering enterprises. Practical developments in the article on identifying potential risks in design should be used by engineering companies as a means of risk-oriented approach in quality management systems to improve performance. Keywords: quality management system, international standard ISO 9001:2015, engineering, risk management, FMEA analysis, design. REFERENCES 1. Karpuntsov, M. V. (2008). Enterprise sustainability to risks. Aktualni problemy ekonomiky, vol. 3, 71–76. 2. Bashynska, І. О. (2017). Improvement of enterprise risk management system. Naukovyi zhurnal «Prichornomorski economichni studii », no 17, 91–94. 3. Verbitska, I. I. (2013) Risk management as a modern risk management system of enterprise structures. Stalyi rozvytok ekonomiky. Mizhnarodnyi naukovo-vyrobnychyi zhurnal, no 5 (22), 282–291. 4. Skriba, N. N. (2007). Concept of management of risk as specific cross-disciplinary doctrine. Problemy sovremennoy ekonomiki: Evraziyskiy mezhdunarodnyy nauchno-analiticheskiy zhurnal, no 4, 149–152. 5. Dudnieva, I. E. (2014). Problems and prospects of implementation of risk management standards in Ukraine. Visnyk Nats. tekhn. untu «KhPI»: zb. nauk. pr. Temat. vyp.: Aktualni problemy upravlinnia ta finansovo-hospodarskoi diialnosti pidpryiemstva, no. 4 (1047), 67–74. 6. Quality management systems. Requirements: State standard of Ukraine ISO 9001:2015 (ISO 9001:2015, IDT), Official publication, (2016), DP «UkrNDNTs», Kyiv, Ukraine, 22 p. 7. Trachenko, L. A. (2018). Risk assessment in quality management systems of enterprises in the field of engineering services. Visnyk Zaporizkii< Natsionalnii Universytet : zbirnik naukovyi prac. Economichni nauki., 3 (39), 17–23. 8. Yankovyi, O., Goncharov, Yu., Koval, V. & Lositska, T. (2019). Optimization of the capital-labor ratio on the basis of production functions in the economic model of production. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 4, 134–140. 9. Dovgan, L. E. (2017). Project management. KPI іm. Іgoria Sikorskogo, 420 p. 10. Vashukov, Yu. A. (2008). Analysis of types, consequences and causes of potential nonconformities (FMEA). Method. Instructions. Samarskyi hosudarstvennyi aerokosmicheskyi Universytet, 31 p. Published: 2020-03-26

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