
Relevance. Te concept of risk covers all spheres of human life. With modern requirements for the organization of subsoil use, the issue of risks in the development of deposits and risk management in order to prevent them or reduce their consequences is becoming increasingly relevant. Te purpose of the research is to clarify the system of risks accompanying the process of subsoil use, and their characteristics. Research methodology. In the course of the study, methods of system analysis, comparisons of analogies were used, which together ensure the reliability and correctness of the conclusions. Results. In the course of the study, the manifestation of risks in the development of mineral deposits was clarifed. Te content of geological risk is disclosed from the standpoint of the reliability of various categories of reserves and forecast resources. Te reliability of geological risks is associated with the degree of exploration of the deposit. Te regularities of overestimation of reserves due to the growth of reliability coefcients (transfer) are revealed. Te negative practice of transferring rights to subsoil users in relation to the ratio of the number of reserves of various categories is noted. Mining risk is characterized as uncontrollable, difcult to predict, not amenable to any patterns, which usually leads to accidents and catastrophic situations. A manifestation of environmental risk is the deterioration of the quality of the environment, the depletion of natural resources during the development of subsoil resources. A signifcant environmental risk is associated with the placement of technogenic mineral formations on the surface and the storage of washery refuse in tailings. Recipients are endangered by atmospheric and hydrogenous fows formed near the wastes and emergency breaks of tailings dams. Risk management at the pre-project stage is considered from the position of introducing adjustments for risks when justifying the discount rate. At the stage of feld operation, risk management is a specialized activity. Te main methods of management and sources of fnancing of activities, the basis of which is the chosen method of risk management, are considered. Conclusions. Te process of subsoil use is accompanied by a system of risks, which include geological, mining and environmental risks. At the pre-project stage, risk accounting is carried out through risk premiums. During the operation of the feld – through risk management. Te chosen management method makes it possible to develop appropriate activities focused on the goal.

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