
This paper describes a risk-based slope monitoring framework for open pit mines developed to aid engineers with the design of robust and effective slope monitoring systems. Testing of the framework was implemented at four surface gold mines located in the Carlin trend in Nevada, USA. The framework uses a qualitative approach to assess both the geotechnical conditions as well as the slope design and performance to rate the likelihood of an unwanted geotechnical event for each defined sector of an open pit mine. The likelihood of an event, combined with a consequence rating in alignment with the mine operator’s risk standards, is used to define the level of risk per sector. Results from the slope monitoring framework can be used as guidance to select the types of instrumentation that may be utilised to address each level of risk potential. This process was developed as a collaborative effort between Newmont Corporation, Piteau Associates and the Geotechnical Center of Excellence at the University of Arizona. The risk-based slope monitoring framework is included in the upcoming Guidelines for Slope Performance Monitoring, edited by R Sharon and E Eberhardt, an initiative of the Large Open Pit (LOP) Project.

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