
In this paper we study the risk-sensitive average cost criterion for continuous-time Markov decision processes in the class of all randomized Markov policies. The state space is a denumerable set, and the cost and transition rates are allowed to be unbounded. Under the suitable conditions, we establish the optimality equation of the auxiliary risk-sensitive first passage optimization problem and obtain the properties of the corresponding optimal value function. Then by a technique of constructing the appropriate approximating sequences of the cost and transition rates and employing the results on the auxiliary optimization problem, we show the existence of a solution to the risk-sensitive average optimality inequality and develop a new approach called the risk-sensitive average optimality inequality approach to prove the existence of an optimal deterministic stationary policy. Furthermore, we give some sufficient conditions for the verification of the simultaneous Doeblin condition, use a controlled birth and death system to illustrate our conditions and provide an example for which the risk-sensitive average optimality strict inequality occurs.

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