
The main objective of this paper is to find the performance of selected equity stocks of Pharma industry on a long term basis.This paper includes different tools for evaluating the performance of the selected Pharma stocks. Some of the tools like standard deviation, Beta and Average returns are mainly used to calculate the risk and return of selected Pharma stocks in this study. The Pharma Sector occupies a position of importance in the Indian Economy. Stock markets play a predominant role in the up-liftment of the Indian Economy financially. Stock markets plays crucial role in the economic development of an investor. Indian financial markets also play a crucial role for the economic well being of the nation. Since secondary market is a part of financial market, it has major percent of share of contribution in the development of Indian Economy. In the present paper we are trying to evaluate the long term performance of Pharma industry with the help of evaluation of selected Pharma stocks. This evaluation is done on the basis of some statistical tools. The time period for evaluation is 5 years.

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