
To investigate whether women with endometriosis achieving singleton pregnancies through IVF have a higher risk of miscarriage. Matched case-control study in Reproductive Medicine Center.It is a retrospective analysis of women undergoing IVF. The study included women who achieving singleton pregnancies with the use of IVF. The study group were women with a history of surgery for endometriosis and those who have ovarian endometrioma at the time of IVF cycle (n=1338). The control group were matched 1:2 according to age, type of cycle (fresh or frozen cycle) and study period (n=2676). The miscarriage rate between the women with and without endometriosis was similar, (22% and 19.5%, respectively, p = 0.067). The odds ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), parity, age, duration of infertility, and male factor infertility was 0.09 (95% confidence interval 0.977-1.372). There is no significant difference in the subgroup analyses according to the type of cycle, the number of embryos transferred and in vitro fertilization technique used. The risk of miscarriage did not increase in women with endometriosis achieving pregnancy through IVF.Tabled 1Subgroup analyses on the risk of miscarriageSubgroupEndometriosis Abortions Totaln (%)TotalControls Abortions n (%)P valueCrude OR(95% CI)Adjusted OR(95% CI)Type of cycle Fresh cycles1006225 (22.4)2012405 (20.1)0.1541.143(0.951-1.374)1.154(0.944-1.411)a Frozen cycles33269 (20.8)664117 (17.6)0.2271.227(0.880-1.709)1.198(0.850-1.689)bNo. of embryos transferred 120857 (27.4)19938 (19.1)0.051.599(1.003-2.550)1.68(1.024-2.758)c ≥21130237 (21.0)2477484 (19.5)0.3181.093(0.918-1.301)1.082(0.901-1.299)cIn vitro fertilization technique used IVF944196 (20.8)2078389 (18.7)0.1881.138(0.939-1.379)1.144(0.892-1.466) a ICSI39498 (24.9)598133(22.2)0.3371.158(0.858-1.561)1.278(0.852-1.917) a Open table in a new tab

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