
Animal vesicular diseases are rather widespread in the world. Transboundary vesicular diseases are mainly registered in African and Asian countries. They primarily include foot and mouth disease, sheep and goat pox, peste des petits ruminants, lumpy skin disease, swine vesicular disease, vesicular stomatitis, as well as relatively new Seneca Valley virus infection. The transboundary spread of vesicular diseases is mainly caused by legal and illegal movements of animals, animal products, feeds, live vaccines; migration of wild animals across the borders from neighboring countries and passive mechanical transmission of infection. The risk of vesicular disease agent introduction with legal import of live animals into the territory of the Russian Federation is minimal. Most likely, the causative agent can be introduced when livestock products are illegally imported from the following countries: China, Turkey, India, Mongolia, Iran, Kazakhstan, etc. Violations of foreign trade regulations pose a direct threat to the epidemic situation and economic security of Russia. There is a possibility of the introduction of vesicular agents with animal feed imports into the country since some viruses can potentially survive for a long time in some ingredients. Taking into account the fact that some neighboring countries are infected with vesicular diseases, the threat of infection introduction into Russia through migration of wild animals along the North Caucasian, Central Asian and Far Eastern routes still remains.


  • foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreaks can cover vast territories, whole countries and even continents due to a wide range of susceptible wild and domestic animal species, the variety of virus shedding routes by infected animals and its high persistence in the environment and in animal products. This disease occurs in many countries and the possibility always exists that the virus is introduced into previously free areas, including free regions of the Russian Federation

  • According to Article 1.4.6 of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code the Russian Federation is historically free from swine vesicular disease and vesicular stomatitis, because VS has never been registered in the Russian Federation and SVD cases have not been reported since 1975 [1]

  • peste des petits ruminants (PPR) transboundary spread can be caused by illegal movements of infec­ ted animals and animal products, as well as migration of wild animals across the borders of neighboring countries. It means the closest attention of the RF Veterinary Service is focused on the epidemic situation in the neighboring countries like China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Georgia as well in geographically close countries like Turkey, Bulgaria, Afghanistan, Iran, etc

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Импорт живых животных и продуктов животного происхождения

Так как Россия закупает из-за границы живых животных и продукты животного происхождения, существует определенная степень риска заноса возбудителей этих болезней на территорию страны как законным путем (при импорте из стран – торговых партнеров), так и незаконным, например, при нелегальном перемещении животных в приграничных районах. Определенный риск ввоза в страну возбудителей заболеваний существует при импорте восприимчивых животных, мяса, а также шкур, кишечного сырья, костей, рогов, копыт и шерсти. 1. Легальный импорт живых животных Риск заноса возбудителей классических везикулярных болезней на территорию Российской Федерации при легальном импорте живых животных минимальный, так как Федеральная служба по ветеринарному и фитосанитарному надзору следит за эпизоотической ситуацией в мире и в случае регистрации вспышек в странах – торговых партнерах вводит временные ограничения на поставки товаров, представляющих опасность. Можно предположить, что при легальном импорте наибольшую угрозу РФ в отношении возможности заноса возбудителей везикулярных болезней представляет распространение их в следующих государствах: Китае, Турции, Индии, Монголии, Иране, Казахстане и др

Нелегальный ввоз живых животных и животноводческой продукции
23. The big imposter
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