
One of the most important components in today's market is a party decision-making under risk and uncertainty. The first step in making such decisions - to adequately process the information for estimating the future value of assets and the interests of investors probabilities of each particular scenario. The next step is to choose the alternative that has the greatest utility for the investor. Each of these steps is associated with numerous difficulties, the roots of which stem from the specificity of human psychology. The article notes that an integral part of professional risk management is to identify the nature of the object of management in the sphere of economy. Since the domestic theory of risk management is being formed-tion, the problem of a clear comprehensive definition of “risk” becomes now particularly relevant-ness. The article deals with along with economic forecasts of the risks and the human factor in decision-tions solutions. Along with economic forecasts, the report focuses on psychological problems and attempts to take into account the human factor in decision-making at the forecast of risks arising in the company. The important parameters are the status and position of the person in the society, as well as its social well-being. Analysis Meto-ing risk assessment concluded that the need to develop new models and methods of risk management, taking into account the four-lovecheskogo factor. Economic psychology and its applications have developed into a special branch of economic knowledge - the so-called behavioral economics, which surely develops a wide range of economic issues - from the actual theory of individual behavior to the problems of public choice and the financial economy. The most interesting item is the fact that the concept of “risk” is considered from different points of view - as the economist-mathematician with the position, and a psychologist.


  • a party decision-making under risk and uncertainty

  • The first step in making such decisions - to adequately process the information for estimating the future value of assets

  • choose the alternative that has the greatest utility for the investor

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Управление рисками с учетом влияния человеческого фактора

1 кафедра математических методов в экономике, Рос. экон. ун-т им. Г. Россия 2 кафедра психологии личности Института психологии им. Россия 3 кафедра управления, организации производства и отраслевой экономики, Воронеж. Первый шаг при принятии такого рода решений – адекватно обработать информацию для оценки будущей стоимости интересующих инвестора активов и вероятностей наступления каждого конкретного сценария. В статье отмечается, что неотъемлемым элементом профессионального управления рисками является определение сущности объекта управления в сфере экономики. В статье рассматривается наряду с экономическими прогнозами рисков и человеческий фактор при принятии решений. Подробно рассматриваются психологические проблемы и делаются попытки учесть человеческий фактор в процессе принятия решений при прогнозе рисков, возникающих на предприятии. Проведён анализ методов оценки рисков, сделан вывод о необходимости разработки новых моделей и методов управления рисками с учётом человеческого фактора. Ключевые слова: риски, оценка рисков, доходность, неопределённость, позиция человека, статус личности, социальное самочувствие, социальные установки

Risk management with regard to the effect of human factors
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