
Part 1: Background Chapter 1. Marine Reporting and Maritime Security Mark Rowbotham Chapter 2. Global Trade System: Development Update Dean L. Kothmann Chapter 3. Developing and Implementing Global Interoperable Standards for Container Security Christoph Seidelmann Part 2: Systems For Enhancing Port Security and Operational Efficiency Chapter 4. Planning and Implementing RFID Technologies to Enhance Security in Port Operations Giovanni Luca Barletta and Khalid Bichou Chapter 5. Port Recovery from Security Incidents: A Simulation Approach Ghaith Rabadi, C. Ariel Pinto, Wayne Talley and Jean-Paul Arnaout Chapter 6. Security and Reliability of the Liner Container-Shipping Network: Analysis of Robustness Using a Complex Network Framework Panagiotis Angeloudis, Khalid Bichou and Michael G.H. Bell Chapter 7. Port Efficiency and the Stability of Container Liner Schedules Michael G.H. Bell, Khalid Bichou and Kevin Feldman Chapter 8. Predicting the Performance of Container Terminal Operations using Artificial Neural Network Richard Linn, Jiyin Liu, Yat-wah Wan and Chuqian Zhang Chapter 9. Container Terminal Operations under the Influence of Shipping Alliances Xiaoning Shi and Stefan Vos Part 3: Framework for Managing The Security of Global Trading and Supply Chain Systems Chapter 10. Voluntary Supply-Chain Security Programme Impacts: An Empirical Study with BASC Member Companies Ximena Gutierrez, Philippe Wieser and Juha Hintsa Chapter 11. Trade Disruption Insurance: An Effective Form of Risk Management in Supply-Chain Security? Risto Talas Chapter 12. The Co-Evolution of Safety Cultures and Crisis Management Capacitiesin Maritime Trading Systems Paul Barnes and Richard Oloruntoba Chapter 13. Maritime Container Security: A Cargo Interest Perspective Mary R. Brooks and Kenneth J. Button Chapter 14. Managing Maritime Security through Quality Management: A Case Study to Implement the 24-Hour Rule in a Liner Shipping Company Khalid Bichou, Kee-hung Lai, Y.H. Venus Lun and T.C. Edwin Cheng Chapter 15. Managing Supply Chain Security through Quality Standards: A Case Study to Implement ISO28000 in a Global Coffee House Francis D'Addario Part 4: Models For Analysing Security Risks and Policy Implications Chapter16. Maritime Security and Regulatory Risk-Based Models: Review and Critical Analysis Khalid Bichou and Andrew Evans Chapter 17. ISPS Code Implementation in Ports: Costs and Related Financing Hassiba Benamara and Regina Asariotis Chapter 18. Enhancing Port Security via the Enactment of EU Policies Athanasios A. Pallis and George K. Vaggelas Chapter 19. Strategic Risk Management in Ports S.N. Srikanth and Ramesh Venkataraman Chapter 20. Port Security and the Competitiveness of Short-Sea Shipping in Europe: Implications and Challenges Koi Yu Adolf Ng

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