
Abstract: The five most important risk factors identified in the design phase are 1] scope uncertainty, 2] failed management and planning, 3] changes in errors and omissions, 4] inadequate projectS team structure, 5] inadequate quality requirements. The top five risk factors determined by the procurement category are 1] Inadequate online resources and equipment, 2] Distribution of suppliers, 3] Uncertainty in design and style, codes, requirements and standards, 4] Defective items, and 5] Compromise. The 5 most important risk factors identified in the construction phase are 1] weak project capability, 2] excessive construction costs, 3] major construction delays, 4] strong project plan, and 5] poor safety management .This was initiated by the link between risk factors and the effects on price, quality and timing, as well as the potential for expensive, common, and high-quality outcomes. Keywords: Disaster risk management, risk management strategies, project risk management, oil and gas industry.

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