
The aim of this research was to first evaluate possible risks and vulnerabilities of historic buildings using various methods and databases, and then to propose risk treatment and prevention measures before the risks turned into damage. The Karatay Madrasah was selected as a case study to develop a set of decision-making scenarios for preventive conservation and risk management to ensure the sustainability of the building and its values. The methodology uses a score level rating system based on the level of risk, degree of vulnerability, and the probability of occurrence of risks to evaluate the overall risk level of the building, as well as the Method of Reorganization of the Museum Storages (RE-ORG) to evaluate the museum depot. ISO 31000 (2018) and the European Union standard (UNI EN 16096) were also used for the risk assessment, risk scenario including prioritization, urgency, and type of intervention.Potential hazards and risks were identified based on field observations, literature, archival surveys, oral interviews, and the use of national and international databases. The level of risk, condition class, cultural significance, and the urgency of intervention were identified, and recommendations were made for the maintenance of the Karatay Madrasah. The results showed that the building needs a RE-ORG project in various aspects and despite its new restoration; it still has problems that should be solved in the short term. The risk management and preventive conservation proposals are important to ensure the sustainability of the building and to serve as a model for similar historic buildings.

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