
This study introduces ordinally additive, ordinally linear, and ordinally Cobb-Douglas utility functions for the analysis of risky decisions when the uncertainty affects several attributes. Practical algorithms for the determination of utility functions with these forms are provided. Further, the study offers several risk invariance axioms on choice behavior under multidimensional risk. These axioms, for the first time, extend to the multidimensional context the heuristic correspondence between risk aversion and subjective wealth, heretofore familiar in only one dimension. In addition, the consequences of these new risk invariance axioms for utility functional forms in the multi-dimensional context are investigated. The result is a sequence of theorems which show that ordinally linear, ordinally Cobb-Douglas, and ordinally additive von Neumann-Morgenstern utility functions are characterized by the risk invariance axioms. IN THE STUDY OF DECISION MAKING under uncertainty, it is well known that plausible sets of axioms imply that the decision maker acts as if he maximizes his expected von Neumann-Morgenstern utility. (See [1], for example.) If the uncertain outcomes are multidimensional, then the appropriate utility concept is a function of many variables. This is the case, for example, for a firm choosing marketing policies which will affect sales and profits, for an individual faced with investment choices which will affect consumption during several years, and for a government deciding among projects which differ in their costs, outputs, and environmental impacts. In grappling with such problems, decision analysts have found it impossibly difficult to proceed with utility measured by a general function of the outcome variables. Instead, they have used multi-attribute utility functions with special forms, and found that their conclusions are sensitive to the particular form utilized. (See [13], for example.) Thus, it falls to theorists to develop testable hypotheses about risky choice which are equivalent to special (and, hopefully, convenient) functional forms for multiattribute utility. Fishburn [2, 3, and 4], Keeney [5 and 6], and Pollak [9, 10, and 11] have made contributions in this vein. This study introduces ordinally additive von Neumann-Morgenstern utility functions (i.e., those which are a monotonic transformation of a sum of functions, each of one variable) to the literature. I show that they should be well suited to practical decision analysis by presenting algorithms for their use. I propose several risk invariance axioms which plausibly extend to the multidimensional context the intuitive link between risk aversion and wealth in one dimension. These axioms are shown to characterize (in the presence of some other assumptions) ordinally additive, ordinally linear, and ordinally Cobb-Douglas von NeumannMorgenstern utility functions.

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